
Anthony earned the moniker Froggy 'cause there is some French in there somewhere.  Don't know whether Anthony is a direct descendent of Napoleon or not, cause he ain't the tallest crayon in the box.  But he sure acquitted himself well when he happened upon another Frenchmen, namely Herve, who, together with wife Elsa, owns the Cobbitty Cafe PatisserieFroggy 'n Herve were squawking away in some nasal sounding foreign tongue that only Jean aka KitchenSlave (DishPig) could understand.

Like a few other Frenchmen, Anthony can hammer in the saddle.  Froggy provides an excellent foil for TugBoat, 'cause they both thrashed up the Saddleback Mountain KOM Climb from Picton on Tour de Macarthur in April.

Anthony rolling out of familiar Menangle General Store with Jean aka DishPig in the background.

After 80km at Cobbitty Patisserie - circa Oct '06

Anthony and Andrew at Dural Country Club after 2007 Tour de Hills held in traditionally humid conditions.


