Late Starter

Scribe first met Tony McL aka LateStarter in 2003 at a dinner. Tony had only recently purchased a bike and got hooked on the bug, pedaling up to thirty clicks.  Scribe explained that he'd previously completed a few IronMan triathlons which incl a 4km swim, 180km bike leg followed by a marathon 42km run.  Phil encouraged Tony that the sky is the limit, so long as you put in the training and back yourself.  However, Tony was then a tad in awe of such distances.


However, within 12 months LateStarter had completed a 200km Audax Alpine Classic in Bright Vic which scales Falls Creek, Mt Buffalo and both sides of Tawonga Gap.  This pre-eminent 200km event contains 4 tough ascents and aggregate 3,700m of pedal pumping, quad draining, elevation:
*            NEE up
Towonga Gap 11km,
*            NNE up Falls Creek 29km,
*            SWW up Towonga Gap 8km (from the steeper side); and
*            W up
Mt. Buffalo 22km.

LateStarter, retired from the traditional workforce clocks-up 100km in the saddle most days.  Tony has completed a few 24 hour ultra-endurance ride in Victoria where in 26 hours he was on the bike for >18 hours.  Tony heads off on 3 August 2007 for Paris Brest Paris. 

Tony - front of screen


