The Bullsheet      

Bank Teller's and ChiliDog's pics from 3rd annual 'Two Dams Ride' in April 2014  -  115km  -  12 cyclists

Good to see erstwhile Muggs - Grant aka BeanCounter, Matt aka (former) Printer, John aka L'Etape, Greg aka ArchitectToo, George aka Englishman join the annual early autumn 'throng' to the pristine delights of rustic, bucolic 'Two Dams'.  A big thank you to Andrew aka TugBoat who proposed our 'Two Dams' route three years ago, and for patiently waiting for all riders at road junctures, so they didn't go the RONG way. 
Next year, Bank Teller will start 10 mins before everyone else and will skip the Nepean Dam, so as not to hold up other riders. Other 'slow coaches' may wish to join him.

Above pics at the KOM of Razorback Rd after 24km

Above pics at our 1st Nosh Stop at the Subway Cafe Tahmoor après 35km, where the two front of camera opted to 'do a Uie'

Above pics at Nepean Dam - 1st dam visited if any other riders have pics of Avon Dam that are less than 500KBs each, send 'em and they will be published!!!

Scribe    19 April '14