40 year re-union of St Leo's College, Wahroonga - Class of '69
Sub-titled "Its going to be a hoot!!!

The Terrace function room, The Blue Gum Hotel,
55 Pacific H'way Waitara, Saturday, 21 Nov 2009 - 6pm for 6:30pm start with 'lights out' at eleven bells

Invitation to Attend on Saturday, 21 November 2009 at the Blue Gum

Attendance Schedule of 57 attendees

John Waters & Phil Johnston are still disrupting classes at Leo's 40 years on - Wed, 18 Nov '09.

Phil Walker's slide show of pics taken on the night 

Phil Walker's slide show of pics taken on the night - on Yahoo Flickr - You have to register for a Yahoo e-mail address, but you might learn a bit about Flickr which might impress ya kids, or their kids

Bernie Bessenyei's pics

Justin Holmwood's pics

Post night e-mail comments from some attendees

Stan Cusack's Christmas and February Festival message

Phil Johnston aka Bank Teller         


