Vic and his bus driver, compadre,
James aka SmallBusDriver,
front of above pic, on their initial visit to Mt White - the Mecca
for northern motor bikers and cyclists alike
A fellow bus driver,
Narelle Sinclair, enthused BigBusDriver to the joys and tribulations
of road cycling when Narelle advertised for bus drivers from Sydney (State
Transit) to join her in raising money for
(kids living with cancer) in 2005 by cycling from Port Botany in Sydney to
Phillip Island near Melbourne, a journey of 1,100km. Vic only had an
el cheapo hybrid bike and Brother, was that hard work!
Being an enthusiastic
rookie, Vic
had no idea of how to prepare for such a ride. That inaugural 1,100km
interstate ride has been repeated in '06 and '07 but starting in reverse,
from Phillip Island and pedaling uphill to Sydney.
Vic made several new friends
on his initial '05 interstate "character building" weeklong sojourn,
whom he has remained in regular contact with, one of them being James aka
Vic admits that sitting
behind the wheel for much of each day
has not recently been
kind to his waste line. In addition, almost a year ago Vic suffered a
nasty bike fall which required shoulder surgery which kept him off the bike
but not away from cakes, nibbles and deserts which he readily acknowledges
he is partial too.
However, Vic has
precedent to fall back-on, 'cause between 2001 and early 2003, Vic lost
50kgs, plummeting from 145kg to 95kg. Consequently, Vic is
hell-bent on shedding 25kg by end-June to get back down to 95kg and to
look good again and most importantly improve his health and endurance.
For a BigBusDriver, Vic can hang on in the hills, so don't be
surprised if we have another TugBoat
within Muggs.

En route to Wagstaffe on a balmy
Summer's day - Dec 2007, with

Rolling out of Peats Ridge on a cool Feb day in 2008 |