HornPlayer |
formative years, which carved out his career path as a professional French
Horn player, were in Long Beach California. Ed played horn with
Utah Symphony for 19 years and completed BMus and MMus degrees at the
University of Utah.
In 1984
HornPlayer was appointed Principal Horn of the
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra domiciled at Windy Wellington on
the southern tip of the Nth Island. Since then Ed has appeared as soloist
with the Christchurch AND
NZSO symphony orchestras as well as performing concertos with most of
the regional orchestras. Recordings for
Concert FM have included many solo pieces and chamber works. Ed has
been Guest Principal Horn with the Sydney, Melbourne and Tasmanian Symphony
Orchestras, and has been soloist with most of the NZ Orchestras.
HornPlayer's wife Vicki (Bass Player) and Ed taught at the Australian
National Music Camp ('93 – ‘95) at
Geelong Grammar
and continue to enjoy friendships with many musicians all over Australia.
Ed became
a Born Again 18 only months ago when a fellow Muso asked Ed if
he wanted to buy his Trek US Postal full carbon 'cause
Ed's contemporary was heading to India for a few years to study yoga.
Since jumping onboard his
Trek treadley, Ed
has peeled-off 15kgs, and has never looked back. A few weeks ago he
completed the 160km 160km
Lake Taupo Cycling Challenge in 5
hrs 15 min. Also in that field was Greg aka
In early Dec, ‘07, Ed
Bank Teller informing that he liked the encouragement
instils in fellow cyclists by throwing down the gauntlet and
assisting crew to pick up the cudgels to set lofty, challenging goals
such as the 200km Audax Alpine Classic and then geeing-up crew to
complete the mission.
“Guys, we have
to train hard for the Audax”
Ed also mentioned that he found the pointers in
Tips for Aspiring Muggaccinos Cyclists useful, particularly "Gearing
to climb steep hills" which
provides options to achieve lower gearing by -
(i) dropping from a 39 to a 38 front chain ring using
a 11- 28 BBB on the back; or
(ii) going the hole hog and fitting a mid-arm
rear derailleur which will take a 11- 34 rear cassette.
informed Scribe that he would be in
for a week prior to Christmas and could they catch up.
Scribe rode a familiar 94km ride with Ed from Sutherland
Leisure Centre thru Audley, out to Bundeena Beach, down to Otford and back
thru RNP on Sat 15 Dec, and 61 year old Ed went like shit out of Shanghai
on his Trek US Postal, veritably flying up the
Gibraltar KOM Climb to Artillery Hill from Audley Weir in 39 / 27.
Scribe was
espousing the spin-off benefits of regular, rigorous, challenging exercise
to other parts of one's lives ie. better handling work and family pressures.
HornBlower agreed, but with a caveat, that
"...after 40
years as a professional musician with the pressure to deliver an outstanding
performance every time, at 61 years of age when I jump out of bed in the
morn', I would sooner climb on my bike, or hike a mountain with my friends,
than saddle up for another day in the office."
Below are pics from that ride:

Morning tea
Manna's Cafe, Bundeena Beach

The tree
covered canopy thru the lower section of RNP approaching Otford Apple Pie
Shop was at its verdant best today, and the cacophony of
screaming cicadas in the tree covered
caldron stimulating. We weren't quite sure which one of the
thousands of nearby feathery Green Grocers
and Black Princes was the orchestra leader,
but the tiny insect was doing a fine job of
setting the tempo, 'cause every few minutes
a pulse of resonance
rose to a startling crescendo.
As Ed explained, a cicada rapidly vibrates
membranes, and enlarges chambers derived from the
tracheae give rise to its body serving as a
resonance chamber, greatly amplify its sound. Those
Magpie Meals modulate their noise by wiggling their abdomens
toward and away from the tree that they are on. Some
cicadas produce sounds louder than 106 dB
(SPL) "at close range", among the loudest of all
insect-produced sounds.
Gees and all this time, Scribe had thought
that they were just nuisance locusts signifying
Christmas isn't far off.