Another blessed 'I.T. Nerd', Probationer reckons that he has never had much
luck with women:
Over a memorable
Nosh Stop, Mike recounted that one day he came
home early from work to surprise his then
wife and noticed a guy jogging off in the bollocky. Mike said to
the guy, "Hey buddy, why are you doing that?" He said
"Because you came home early.
girl I was interested-in 'phoned me the other day and said... "Come
on over, there's nobody home," I went over.
Nobody was home.
"During sex, my girlfriend always wants to talk to me. Just
the other night she called me from a hotel."
"Why do I always meet women who seem to
need a reason to
have sex. I
just need a place."
"Instead of
getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just
give her a house."
girlfriends always laugh during sex
no matter what they are reading. And even if they aren't
"You know that look women get when they want sex?
Me neither."
He told a friend that his wife rushed out to buy 2 new hearing aids because when
he climbed into bed with her, snuggled up and whispered, "Honey, to you want to
go to sleep or what?" and she said, "WHAT?"
After answering, "Yes, I might, I guess so," to his wife's questions about
whether he'd get remarried if she died first and whether he'd let his new wife
live in their house, and she angrily asked if he'd let her play with her golf
clubs, he replied, "Oh, no, she's a lefty."

Mike's a big lump of a lad who opted for
Muggs' ploy of bunging the biggest chain-ring on the rear cluster
that will possibly fit. Mike's got Campagnolo Chorus whereby
the biggest chain-ring his puny rear hub can take is only a 28.
Still hasn't got down to his local bike shop for the
On Sunday 13 Oct '02
Windsor ride, after 120km of slogging out West which was as
Dry as a Dead Dingo's Donger, Mike still
managed to climb the mother of all nasties - 75m 17o at
top of Kissing Point, in a 39/23. His knee-caps must've been about
to explode, but he never let on.
After leading Widget 'n
Scribe astray at the Wollombi Hotel on the 2nd Linger 'n Die Ride
last Dec where there were Three Blind Mice at night's end, and
similar roistering at other Muggs' socials, Probationer has
been lying low lately.