bringing back hanging is the right thing to do
LET me ask you a blunt
question. Do you think Levi Bellfield, the murderer of Milly Dowler and two
other young women, should still be alive?
By Stephen Pollard,
Political Commentator - Sat, Jun 25, 2011
PURE EVIL: Convicted serial
killer Levi Bellfield
My answer is
no. Milly’s sister Gemma agrees, observing: “Justice is an eye for an eye, you
should pay a life for a life. In my eyes no real justice has been done.”
If the
opinion polls are right, that view is shared by roughly half the population.
A poll in September 2010 found
that 51 per cent supported reinstating the death penalty for murder, compared with
37 per cent who oppose it.
A few years
ago I’d have been with that 37 per cent. I was opposed to capital punishment.
Of all the
arguments against, one mattered most: better that 99 guilty men should go free
than that one innocent man should be killed.
So my view
was that murderers should be locked up but not executed. Keep them in spartan
Make sure
life really means life. And do everything possible to ensure that they spend
the rest of their lives in misery.
something happened which changed my mind. In December 2006 Saddam Hussein was
hanged in Iraq.
Try as I
might, I couldn’t think of a single reason why anyone could disagree with his
There was no
doubt about his guilt. He had murdered hundreds of thousands by deliberate
actions, some in cold blood.
He expressed
no remorse. He was as close to pure evil as any man can get.
To me the
question wasn’t whether he should have been executed. It was whether there were
any valid reasons not to kill him. And there were none.
But either
capital punishment is immoral or it isn’t. It can’t be immoral occasionally.
And if it was right that Saddam was hanged then it’s clearly not an issue of
In which
case why Saddam and not Ian Huntley? Or Levi Bellfield? After all, who could
fail to be moved by the words of Milly Dowler’s mother Sally outside court
“The lengths
to protect his human rights have seemed so unfair compared to what we as a
family have had to endure. I hope that whilst he is in prison he is treated
with the same brutality he dealt out to his victim and that his life is a
living hell.”
This is
where so much of the opposition to the death penalty falls apart.
When Saddam
was executed in 2006 the condemnations were deafening in their silence. With very few – entirely honourable –
exceptions there was not a word of criticism of the Iraqi decision to hang him.
But if, as
opponents of capital punishment believe, it is immoral to execute Ian Huntley,
Ian Brady or any other killer, it was surely just as immoral to execute Saddam
– or Martin Bormann, Hermann Göring and other Nazis who were convicted at
Yet when
Saddam was executed there was not a word of condemnation from the Labour government.
But to a man
and woman its members oppose the death penalty here. It is a perverted moral
calculus which holds that a death sentence is acceptable if there are hundreds
of thousands of murder victims but unacceptable if there are only a few.
We can argue
about the details – to which forms of murder the death penalty should apply and
in what circumstances – but the principle is clear. That is why Levi Bellfield
should hang.
Thank God it
is impossible for most of us to have any real understanding of what the through
over the past nine years.
To lose a
child in any circumstances is an unimaginable nightmare. To lose a daughter in
the way that Milly was taken is too painful to think about.
No normal
human being could follow Bellfield’s trial without being stunned by the
gut-wrenching tragedy suffered by the Dowlers and enraged by the depravity of
her murderer.
As if that
was not enough suffering for them to endure, Bellfield put them through further
trauma at the trial by refusing to admit his guilt and attempting to switch the
blame for Milly’s death to her father Bob Dowler.
Which of us
could endure our every foible being exposed and picked over with forensic
questioning from a barrister?
We all have
areas of our life which are intensely private. Exposure alone would be bad
enough, allowing everyone else to pick over and comment on.
But exposure
as part of an attempt by your daughter’s murderer to insinuate that you, in
fact, are the real cause of her death?
Like so much
else in this terrible story that must have been unendurable.
Commissioner Louise Casey said yesterday: “No one in this country can think
what happened to them in that courtroom was right.”
The Dowlers’
private lives were torn to shreds at the Old Bailey. Milly’s mother Sally and
her sister Gemma, 25, collapsed, unable to bear it any longer as the verdict
was returned.
Yes, the
legal process which allowed that to happen must be examined. But one man was
responsible for their suffering, not the legal system.
It speaks
volumes about Bellfield that he thought nothing of letting his victim’s family
go through hell in the witness box.
So push me
for a reason why he should not be executed and I struggle. All I can come up
with is that idea of his remaining life being a “living hell” as Mrs Dowler put
But from
what we know about the criminal justice system the idea of life meaning life is
Who would
bet against some human rights organisation campaigning for his release in 20
years’ time?
As for the
idea that it is better that 99 guilty men go free than one innocent man is
hanged: better for whom?