9. When you should take a lane?
(a) If there is no shoulder or bike lane, and your lane is narrow, ride closer to the centre of the lane. This will prevent motorists from passing you when there isn’t room. (b) Take the lane when you’re travelling at the same speed as traffic. This will keep you out of motorists’ blind spots and reduce conflicts with right-turning traffic. (c) On a single lane road with an unbroken centre line, never ride two abreast. (d) On a double or triple lane road where there is no shoulder, try and ride two abreast in the lane closest to the curb to discourage some motorists trying to pass you which is illegal. If no other cyclist is nearby, cycle towards the middle of the lane closest to the kerb, particularly as you are legally entitled to occupy the lane. (e) When the traffic is moving at the same speed as you are or when it is slowing down for the traffic light or when you need to make a right-hand turn, move to the centre of the lane and behave akin to a motor vehicle, moving with the traffic. (f) Occupy more of the travel lane if it is narrow or if traffic is moving slowly. (g) When approaching a roundabout, or chicane, and if there is no dedicated cycle route provided, always take you lane. If you stay to the left, a motorists behind you may be confused as to whether they should squeeze past. Avoid confusion, act assertively, and take your lane. Separately, under Australian road rules, cyclists must use the bike lane where one is available. |