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Muggaccinos.com The Bullsheet
Sunrise 5:44am
Flattish route
12 Jan '20: 7am Hornsby or
7:35am from
Bus Shelter opposite Galston shops for
Tour de Windsor,
Old Northern Rd, Old Post Office,
Cattai Ridge Rd,
Halcrows Rd,
Wisemans Ferry Road,
Sackville Ferry,
Wilberforce, Windsor.
Return via Cattai Ridge Rd, Old Pitt
Town Rd, Annangrove Rd (43km) - From
Hornsby 128.6km or Galston 102.6km
1st Nosh Stop
Macquarie Square Windsor around 10:05am.
Phil aka BankTeller
[1st Acceptor],
aka ToothFairy [2nd Acceptor],
Pete aka CampyAficinado [3rd Acceptor],
Eric aka
[4th Acceptor],
are starting from
Galston Bus Shelter at
Lea aka
Barry aka Backpacker,
David aka
, Kev aka
Jane aka NeoLuddite
Justine aka Trumpeter,
Jean aka
Bill aka
Michael aka GoodMorningVietnam,
aka RecalcitrantBankTeller [2nd Acceptor],
David aka TreeHugger
If you are confident of joining us, contingent upon a fine morn',
make sure that allot
a minute to e-mail
by 5pm Sat.
and he will add ya in the above, 'cause
Scribe allots a lot of time to 'jolly Muggs crew'.
If your short term memory is now a struggle, when it didn't use to fail you in
the past, watch this You
Tube, so you won't look like a Silly Duffer
1st Leg:
1st Leg:
Hornsby to
Galston Bus
Shelter at 7am - 13km
2nd Leg:
Galston Bus
Shelter to Macquarie Square Windsor
via Old Northern Rd, Old Post Office, Cattai Ridge Rd,
Halcrows Rd, Sackville Ferry -
53.9km approx - 150 min:
West along Mid Dural Rd
Cnr Mid Dural Rd and Old Northern Rd
for 2.1km.
15.1km from Hornsby
Nth up Old Northern Rd for 6.5km to
Glenorie Village -
21.6km from Hornsby * Left SSW along
Old Post Office Rd
3km to
Cattai Ridge Rd
24.6km from Hornsby *
Right into Cattai Ridge Rd for
28.5km from Hornsby
Veer R into
Halcrows Rd for 9.1km
- 37.6km from Hornsby * R into
Wisemans Ferry Road for
45.4km from Hornsby * L into
Sackville Ferry Rd slowly
descending for 10.15km to
from Hornsby *
on Ferry
ahead on Sackville Rd for 9.05km
64.6km from Hornsby * Ahead into King Rd for 1km
65.6km from Hornsby
* L into Wilberforce Rd for 7km eventually crossing
Windsor Bridge and
short climb to Macquarie Square immediately on your RHS (for
Nosh Stop - 30 mins) from 10:05am -
72.6km from Hornsby
3rd Leg:
from Windsor at 10:05am via Cattai Ridge Rd,
Old Pitt Town Rd, Annangrove Rd to Galston
Shops -
- 133 min
- ETA Galston
- 115.6km from Hornsby
Ø Hardcopy these directions and bring on Sunday
Ø Expend
5 min studying your street
directory for the
2nd (Common) Leg from Cnr Mid Dural Rd and Old
Northern Rd left into Cattai Ridge Rd, Halcrows Rd, Sackville Ferry,
Wilberforce Rd, The Terrace to Windsor
Don't ride two
abreast on single lane roads with an unbroken centre line and descend corners on
wet roads as though you are skating on ice
When passing a
fellow Mugg, always provide a metre clearance. If you can't, or are
passing on the inside, you MUST call out loudly eg. "passing inside" etc
forms of cycling are dangerous.
An ave of 37 Australian
cyclists have been killed annually since 2000.
95% of these fatalities occur on the road.
Other cyclists in Australia break bones and incur nerve
impairment from falling off their bikes in accidents.
A cyclist could fall from his/her bike, inter alia,
due to - (i) being hit by a car or another cyclist; or (ii) encountering a pothole;
(iii) cycling too fast on a wet road
when descending,
particularly at corners, where the
coefficient of friction is materially less; or
(iv) getting their bicycle wheel caught in a gap in a timber bridge.
A negligent cyclist could -
(a) be litigated by a seriously injured cyclist, or 3rd party (ie. a
woman pushing a pram on a footpath or a car driver) under common law
where the damages could exceed $500,000; and
(b) lose his/her home if he/she did not have public liability
insurance which covers their negligence whilst on a push bike.
A negligent cyclist who did not have personal injury
insurance (ie self-employed without income protection cover) could
struggle to meet regular outgo commitments.
A seriously injured cyclist could be awarded damages
which a negligent cyclist could not afford to pay if the negligent
cyclist - (I) did not have public liability insurance cover; and/or
(II) did not possess valuable assets.
without Public Liability cover is as silly as driving without 3rd Party -
join Bicycle NSW for PL insurance, so that all
Muggs are better protected
Click on:
Risk Management
which warns of 'inter alia', the dangers of cycling on
public roads with motor cars,
potholes and over bridges with vertical timber
planks with gaps
Cycling with
Muggs is predicated upon notifying
Bank Teller if you
materially disagree with any clause(s) in Muggaccinos'
"Ride Participants Liability Acknowledgment"
St Ives, Illawong Bay, Akuna Bay, Bayview Marina 'n return - 54km
- 3 riders

Annual New Year's Day 'Sutherland to Wollongong Lighthouse' ride
- 57km -
9 riders
Terry aka
Chris aka
started 40 mins earlier to ride via Audley Weir and Gibraltar then thru
RNP - 55,5km to Bulli.
George aka
entered the park at Waterfall. After cycling the Motorway to
Waterfall, the rest of us then joined the Old
Princes H'way
about 600m past Waterfall station - 44km to
Bulli. PapaBear cycled back from Bulli.

Two pics at
Ruby's Cafe, Bulli on the Beach - with and without the
friendly fluffy dog
When returning to Sydney on the train from Nth
Wollongong, the atmosphere looked decidedly 'smoky'. It appears
similarly hazy in these two pics at Bulli.

George aka Englishman
Chris aka RecalcitrantBankTeller
trudged up Mt Kiera whilst others 'put their feet up' at
Nth Wollongong LeVendi Cafe. A tad hazy
at the
Mt. Kiera Lookout Cafe.
Muggs Annual Boxing Day 'catch-up" ride from Hornsby, Sommerville
Rd, Galston Gorge, Crosslands Rd, to Berowra Waters cafe. Thence
back to Hornsby - 53km - 14 cyclists

met us at
Berowra Waters Marina

The familiar Berowra Waters punt

Annual Christmas Eve Emu Plains to Springwood up Nasty Old
Bathurst Rd, thence Nth to Richmond and onto Tallawong Metro station -
81km - 3 riders

BankTeller close to death at the apex
of the Old Bathurst Rd climb where sections were +15%

The above data included a train from
Tallawong Metro
to Epping station
Relaxing in Springwood

Above 'n below pics of Yarramundi Lookout on
a dry day

Hornsby to Woy Woy, via Mt White - 65km - 5

Pete aka CampyAficinado is admiring some poor large fish
on sale

We were joined at Fisherman's Wharf by Ann's brother who
hails from The Lakes District in England
St Ives, Duffy's Forest, Bayview
Marina - 56.7km - 7 riders, although four of 'em cycled
a further 15km, plus some nasty climbs.

Hornsby, Bobbin Head to bridge, Brooklyn Rd,
PitS, Hornsby 61.3km - 3 riders
Alas, the pic that
Ann aka ToothFairy
tried to take of
Pete aka
CampyAficinado and BankTeller at
didn't 'take'.

Two crew gobbling 'tucker' at
had a successful days scavenging by finding two Schwalbe tyre
levers and four sixpences.
Pete has taken over the mantle of "Muggs Scrounger"
previously held by
The Whippet
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Hornsby to Brooklyn, return via Berowra Waters 'n
Galston Gorge - 73km - 5 riders
Click on
to view last Sunday's ride in Google Earth. Then click on the 'Right Arrow' therein.

Bill aka Glasgow and
Michael aka GoodMorningVietnam (pic taken by
Chris aka RecalcitrantBankTeller)

BankTeller and Kali aka Hyderabad on the Berowra
'punt' on another blue sky day
Hornsby to Mt White, thence either Woy Woy or
return - 70km - 5 riders

Five Happy Campers at Mt White, whereupon, Chris and Kali
headed back, and Ann, Pete and BankTeller rolled on to The Fish Shop
at 'Woy'

Hornsby to Woy Woy - 65km - 3 riders

You might be able to identify BankTeller, CampyAficinado
and Publican at Mt White last Sunday - a shadowy pic

This Guy or Gal was a neighbour on my recent visit to
Ningaloo Reef about 1,150km Nth or Perth.
Hornsby to Mt White, return via PitS
- 70km - 4 riders

Bank Teller 5
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