Nosh Stops:
Cafe in Wisemans Ferry
9:35am 30 min 2nd
Stone House Café
20 min
Longest Leg: Hornsby station car-park
via Galston Gorge to
Cafe in Wisemans Ferry - 50.5km - 125 min
* Rollout by 7:30am from
Hornsby carpark
Nth up Jersey St for 500m,
* L
Bridge Rd
40m to lights at Old Pacific H’way,
* R Nth for
700m on Old Pacific H’way,
* L at lights
into Galston Rd for 5km to Galston Gorge noisy timber bridge,
* Ascend for 3km to
Crosslands Rd,
* L for 1.1km
to main roundabout
600m into Mid Dural Rd for 1.9km
to Cnr Mid Dural Rd and Old Northern Rd
(13km) at 8:10am.
* R 36.5km up
Old Northern Rd to Wisemans Ferry for 1st
Nosh Stop (30 min) from 9:35am
7:55am cycle
41km due Nth up Old Northern Rd to Wisemans Ferry for 1st
Nosh Stop (30 min) from 9:35am.
1st Short Leg: Galston shops to
Cafe in Wisemans Ferry - 39km -
95 min
Park outside Galston Village shops on LHS
when driving West.
meet cyclists who started at Hornsby.
600m into Mid Dural Rd for 1.9km
to Cnr Mid Dural Rd and Old Northern Rd
(13km) at 8:10am.
* R 36.5km up
Old Northern Rd to Wisemans Ferry for 1st
Nosh Stop (30 min) from 9:35am
1st Shortest Leg:
Glenorie Village Shopping Centre to
Cafe in Wisemans Ferry -
30km - 75 min
Park in Glenorie
Shopping Centre (2½km Nth of Cattai Ridge Rd). Rollout due
north by 8:20am because the
other two ride groups will cycle faster
Nth up Old Northern Rd to Wisemans Ferry for 1st
Nosh Stop (30 min) from 9:35am.
Leg: Wisemans Ferry to
Stone House Café, Maroota -
21.5km - 70 min
10:05am West along scenic River Rd for
13.8km to
Cliftonville Lodge Resort with a 1st 390m gravel section and
a 2nd 190m gravel roadway which hasn't fazed any cyclist on previous rides.
Upon arriving
Lodge on your RHS, make a hard left and cycle
seriously steep 970m and then Roly Poly for a further 7km to Wisemans Ferry Rd.
Left along
Wisemans Ferry Rd 500m to
Stone House Café
for 2nd Nosh Stop (25 min)
from 11:15am.
Stone House Café, Maroota to
Porters Scenic Lookout Dural
- 38.1km -
95 min
11:40am Right SW along
Wisemans Ferry Rd for 12km to Halcrows Rd.
Left along
Halcrows Rd for 8.1km to Cattai Ridge Rd;
Ahead along
Cattai Ridge Rd for 8km to Cnr Cattai Ridge Rd and Post Office Rd.
Cyclists who
parked at -
Glenorie shops should turn Left into Post Office Rd for 2km for a short-cut to
their cars - ETR 1:00pm.
Porters Scenic Lookout Dural
should proceed 3km to Old Northern Rd;
Right into
Old Northern Rd for 200m passing Bus Stop;
Ahead South 7.4km
down Old Northern Rd to
Porters Scenic Lookout Dural
- ETR 1:15pm.
If cycling
back to Hornsby via Galston Gorge, Left into Mid Dural Rd to Galston Village
shops and another 13km to Hornsby - ETR Hornsby 1:50pm.

Couple of nasty lumps in the above
117km Elevation Profile, with the standout being the 950m climb from
Cliftonville Camp Park (after 64km) to the 'end of the hard part' which has a few
bits approaching 20o