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The Bullsheet
Sunrise in 6:50am
Sunday, 30 July '17
8:30am St Ives, Akuna Bay (C/W),
West Head (Sag Stop), Church Point
(Nosh Stop),
return to St. Ives - 74km
(add 10km by returning via Akuna
and Illawong Bay, rather than ducking up
McCarrs Creek Rd)
Organiser, Phil
Johnston aka
Bank Teller
[1st Acceptor],
Kevin aka TexDubbo
[2nd Acceptor],
Justine aka Trumpeter
[3rd Acceptor],
Pete aka CampyAficinado [4th Acceptor],
Jane ala NeoLuddite
[5th Acceptor],
Bill aka
[6th Acceptor],
are starting from St. Ives at 8:30am.
Terry aka
Alan aka
Ron aka Draughtsman,
John aka
and wife, Amy,
aka ChiliDog
Graham aka JackSprat
[4th Responder],
John and Amy
who are riding their tandem, plan to turn around after visiting the
Head Lookout.
Chris aka RecalcitrantBankTeller ],
[5th Responder],
Jean aka ChiliDog Ron aka Draughtsman
aka ToothFairy is flying
to Brisbane to keep her carbon footprint entrenched.
Tony aka Publican
withdrew on Sat night
as Pat and Tony are flying to Europe very shortly and "too much
travelling stuff still not done." |
If you are >80% of joining us, contingent upon a fine morn', please e-mail
and he will add you in the above.
Blackspot Warning.
The road section approx 250m prior to the West Head Lookout veers
awkwardly to the right. It is narrow with no camber to
facilitate a cyclist to hold the narrowing corner.
Bank Teller has documentary evidence of 7 bad accidents when
inexperienced cyclists descended that road section too fast and spun off
on the LHS. One cyclist remained in a comma for 3 months.
Descend to the West Head Lookout slowly and warn others to do likewise.
RTA, which is responsible for West Head Rd, has been negligent in
ignoring my
Three Letters
dated 11 Jan 08,
8 Feb 08 and 29 March ’08 and
to -
a) straighten approx 200m of that road
section by widening on the RHS,
b) build up the camber on the LHS, and
c) provide dedicated "Cyclists SLOW DOWN"
forms of cycling are dangerous.
An ave of 36 Australian
cyclists have been killed annually since 2000.
95% of these fatalities occur on the road.
Other cyclists in Australia break bones and incur nerve
impairment from falling off their bikes in accidents.
A cyclist could fall from his/her bike, inter alia, due to -
(i) being hit by a car or another cyclist;
(ii) encountering a pothole;
(iii) cycling too fast on a wet downhill where the
coefficient of friction is much less, particularly at corners; or
(iv) getting their bicycle wheel caught in a gap in a
timber bridge.
A negligent cyclist could -
(a) be litigated by a seriously injured
cyclist, or 3rd party (ie. a woman pushing a pram on a footpath or a car
driver) under common law where the damages could exceed $500,000; and
(b) lose his/her home if he/she did not
have public liability insurance which covers their negligence whilst on
a push bike.
A negligent cyclist who did not have personal injury
insurance (ie self-employed without income protection cover) could
struggle to meet regular outgo commitments.
A seriously injured cyclist could be awarded damages
which a negligent cyclist could not afford to pay if the negligent
cyclist -
(I) did not have public liability insurance cover; and/or
(II) did not possess valuable assets.
Cycling without Public Liability cover is as silly
as driving without 3rd Party -
join Bicycle NSW for PL insurance, so that all Muggs
are better protected
Click on:
which warns of 'inter alia', the dangers of cycling on public roads
with motor cars,
potholes and over bridges with vertical timber
planks with gaps
Cycling with
Muggs is predicated upon notifying
Teller if you materially disagree with
any clause(s) in Muggaccinos'
"Ride Participants Liability Acknowledgment"
Last Sunday's Hornsby to Mt. White 'n back
- 70km - 5 riders
Pete aka
CampyAficinado was a late withdrawal 'cause a 'PetrolHead' mate
offered him a motor bike ride.
Further below is an exchange of subsequent emails that you would
need to read from the bottom up.

Philip Johnston <scribepj@bigpond.com>
Apropos you ultimate below para, whatever you are smoken', I want some of
From: JANE PALMER [mailto:janepalmer12@hotmail.com]
Yes, I can't begin to tell you how satisfying that was! And I just can't
wait for the next opportunity to repeat the exercise, and I would encourage
others to 'give it a go' as well.
As for the so -called 'mutt' ...her name is Jacqui, and we believe she may
be the reincarnation of Jacqui Onassis....
From: Justine Moorhouse <jjjus@hotmail.com>
It certainly was very funny seeing Phil take a beating from Jane with a tiny
sugar packet. Jane was vicious!!!!!
From: Philip Johnston <scribepj@bigpond.com>
Subject: Re: A 'sinful' Peter McKinn - punishment
Justine was surprised and disappointed at you going AWOL yesterday for the
feeble ‘excuse’ of wanting to ‘stroke’ yourself on a CO2 booming, noise
breaching two wheeler.
Today’s ride to Mt White on a delightful,
warm and balmy morn’ was enjoyed by five ‘reliable’ Muggs.
Alas, Jane assaulted me several times at Mt
White with a humongous packet of sugar and on occasions would not hand over
the ‘conch’.
For her sins, the mutt that Jane patted,
pissed-off with his owner in an old Ute.
Your penance for your sins: Say three Hail Mary’s
for seven continuous nights, whilst prostrate on your knees, and beg eternal
As part of your plea for clemency, -
(a) request your wife, Coralee, to administer
to you a liberal tablespoon of castor oil, and
(b) accept that more will be dispensed
should you similarly transgress again.
Recent Sunday's Hornsby to Brooklyn
Wharf, return via Berowra Waters and GG - 75km - 5 riders
Eight riders emailed Acceptance of Bank Teller's
ride invitation for last Sunday's ride. On Sunday morn' three Acceptors SMS'd
Bank Teller that they couldn't participate.
Bill aka Glasgow found
that his Friday 'trial' ride evidenced that his recovering 'paw' wasn't quite
right (or left). Kevin aka TexDubbo was called to 'family duties'.
claimed that he was too tired, but didn't allude whether it was from driving a
Govt. bus, or a night on the turps.

2016 - Hornsby to Brooklyn Wharf and back via Berowra
Waters Ferry - Pete and Ron rode the Berrilee/Galston loop - one more climb

Old pics from last year - Last
Sunday's Hornsby to Brooklyn, return Berowra Waters/Galston Gorge - Trois
Montagnes - 73.6km - 5 riders

Apologies for only capturing
Ron aka Draughtsman's
knees in the above pic at Brooklyn Pier today

Back at our Hornsby start point, Jane and
BankTeller celebrating a 'fine day ride' with glimpses of sunshine
Bank Teller
27 July
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