"* Born in Sydney and lived on the north side all my life.
* Started playing trumpet at age 8, carried right through
until finished Uni, but soon decided it was time to "get a real job"!
Although loved making lots of loud noise at weddings, funerals, ANZAC Day
marches and the odd jazz jamming, "Justine The Trumpeter" just wasn't
going to cut it as a career, and more importantly pay my bills! Have
performed in jazz bands, concert bands, marching bands (harder than it
looks), orchestras, brass bands and even joined the Tokyo City Community
Band while living there for a year.
* Recently started playing again and hope my neighbours in
the adjoining flats do not complain about the noise. If they do, it could "come back and bight me on the bum" as my complaints about
"Mr. Bongo The Drum Player" upstairs prompted residents to require
"Mr. Bongo" to wear socks on his hands whenever he wants to sound out a beat
with those dam bongos.
* Has been working in finance for the last 10 years.
However, in true Gen Y fashion, contemplating a "sea change", having
recently completed two sessions of a corsage course. My first session
left me feeling ungamely and bamboozled, "I thought I had two left hands".
But I didn't seem such a klutz during my second "attempt" lesson to arrange
ornamental flowers in a bouquet, so there might be some hidden artistic
talent passed down thru the genes from a long-gone grandmother. Alas,
I don't think "flower arranging" will pay the bills.
* Started mountain biking about 2 years ago and moved to road
riding 9 months ago in the hope of avoiding the injuries sustained purely
due to "user error" and an incredible ability to fall into every hole on the
track, no matter how visible and easily avoidable it might be."

A few at the rear of
this pic are looking a tad tired after climbing up McCarrs Creek Rd - Jan

Above two pics were taken about 10
secs apart on a delightful November morn' about 6:40am heading due East
out of Hornsby when the rising sun was
still "peakin' over the horizon".
Sounds romantic, but when you are pedaling due East on
Junction Rd
directly into
it, it ain't fun, 'cause in the back of ya noggin you are cogitating,
"Can the approaching car behind me who is also contending with this
blistering sunrise, see dear old me."
Justine aka Trumpeter
Yarramalong Manor from the front and behind at
Yarramalong Manor - Dec 2009 |

Justine finally cracked some credibility by cycling to the most awe-inspiring
train station in NSW, probably the whole of Australia - Dec '09

Below two pics 'en route' to Wisemans Ferry
on a glorious mid-Winter's morn' - Aug '10

March 2010 saw Justine cycle 339kms over the 3 days
from Parramatta to Canberra. The first day to Bowral was the hardest, mainly
because it was so long - 125km. They rode hard and didn't stop as often as we do
on mugs rides. The second day was relatively easy, quite flat and 107km. The
third day and final day was another tough one mainly due to all the climbs,
especially the big 5 or so hills right at the end when you were already pooped
- 109km.
I'd still be up for it again though I didn't like the accommodation on the
hard wood floors of the local churches. Cold, hard and noisy. Caravan parks
would have been much better.

Two pics from RNSH
On 28 April 2010 around 7am Trumpeter was cycling to
work on the Epping Rd cyclepath which she had ridden many times previously.
Justine recalls taking a tumble on a downhill section, which busted her collarbone and
incurred about $400 damages to her bike. Fortunately several other
cyclists came to her aid. Upon subsequent inspection of her treadley
the front tyre was flat which may have caused he to over-correct on an
angled down hill path section, or perhaps the tyre went flat as a result of her
tumble. Justine was released from RNSH the following day. One
could hardly have any sympathy for her what with that dorky expression whilst
waiting to be collected in the carpark. Doesn't look in too much pain to