Muggaccinos.com The Bullsheet Sunrise in 6:23am Sunday, 16 Oct '22 - 8am from Hornsby or 8:25am from Berowra turn-off for Brunch at Glenorie Village Bakery - 84km - ETR 1:15pm
Four Cheerful Chaps at Red Herring Cafe, Brooklyn Pier - at least that was the impression we were seeking to convey whilst a stranger kindly took our pic
Turramurra Station Carpark, St Ives, Church Point, Whale Beach, Palm Beach ferry to Patonga, Pearl Beach Rd, Ettalong, Umina Woy Woy - 56km
Climate Change has rendered the 2.5km climb out of Patonga steeper 'n longer. If you don't believe BankTeller, then ask PapaBear Palm Beach Ferry to Pristine Patonga Village Click on 'Relive', then the Right Arrow therein, to view last Sunday's ride in Google Earth. Then click on: View interactive route > to evidence a further application of Google Earth
St. Ives, Akuna Bay, Illawong Bay, Duffy's Forest and "home James and don't spare the horses" - 49.4km - 7 riders A tad chilly early, but nothing like earlier in the week, Fortunately, the forecast 25 max arrived around 1pm whilst driving home. Alan Wilkie and Brian Bury both opine that no more cold weather this year. Our 4cast ride was abbreviated 'cause of fire hazard burning on the West Head leg, so we retraced via Duffy's Forest. No one seemed overtly upset. We crossed paths with Michael aka GoodMorningVietnam on our return leg. The Patonga Ferry Boat ride is in a fortnight to dovetail in with the 10:10am departure from Palm Beach. Arriving at Pristine Patonga Village at 10:40am where we ride our customary Tour de Patonga that takes all of 5 mins before scaling that nasty-ish climb twds Pearl Beach, Umina, Ettalong and Woy Woy. Click on 'Relive' to view last Sunday's abbreviated ride - 49.4km in Google Earth.
Then click on the 'Right Arrow' therein.
Then click on:
View interactive route >
to evidence a further application of Google Earth
Long enduring
PapaBear addressed
Extremist Religious 'Sunday Service' Sect at
Akuna Bay Marina where he sought to
Cast Out the Devil from some of the Assembled Brethren.